Find out why read alouds aren’t just for babies and toddlers, but why they’re important for older kids, too!
We all know that reading to our young children is really important. Kids that are read to at an early age tend to do better in school, have better listening skills, and it has even been said that reading to your children can raise their IQ!
But most out loud reading stops once our kids are able to read for themselves, and that’s a shame!
I started reading aloud to my oldest when she was still an infant. I hadn’t spent much time around babies, but I knew that it was important to talk to them, so I would just read whatever book I happened to be reading out loud to her while she laid on my chest. She ended up learning to read before she turned 4, and she’s an avid reader now.
Despite the fact that all 3 of my kids are able to read by themselves now, we still continue on with read alouds most evenings, and they’re a time we all look forward to. Today I want to share with you why we still read out loud with our kids who could easily read for themselves.
6 Reasons Read Alouds Are Important:
- Young readers tend to struggle through reading. Read alouds allow the child to relax and enjoy the story, and this can lead to better comprehension of what’s being read.
- Read alouds allow our kids to learn inflection, by hearing it being used.
- Read alouds tend to be above the child’s reading level, which allows them to be exposed to new vocabulary, while learning correct pronunciation.
- Read alouds allow for family bonding. We really love our snuggle time while reading!
- Read alouds provide a fabulous transition time from the busyness of the day towards the rest of evening.
- Read alouds allow us to discuss somewhat difficult themes with our kids (such as death, loss of friendship, slavery, starvation, etc). When we delve into these difficult themes with our children, we’re allowing them a safe place to discuss and process them with our parental guidance.
Do you enjoy reading aloud with your kids? What are some of your favorite read alouds? I’m always looking for new books for our family to read, so I appreciate you leaving a comment with your favorites!
If you need ideas of great books for read alouds with kids, check out our favorite read alouds for 5-9 year olds!
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I have 5 grands that love to read books!