Meet the kids of our homestead.
Dan and I have been blessed with three children. After dealing with infertility early in our marriage, I admit that I wondered if I would ever be able to have a child. But apparently one of the things God has been teaching us (or maybe just me?) is that it’s all in His timing.
Miss Magoo
Miss Magoo is a loving, sweet, helpful 7 year old. She loves to read books and do crafts. She has spent that past 2 years obsessed with Little House on the Prairie and Star Wars (not a combination I saw coming).
Miss Magoo is wonderful about seeing something that needs to be done, and jumping in and helping. She so enjoys making things for people she loves, and is constantly drawing pictures or creating gifts for her friends and family.
She’s the responsible sibling like most first children are, and she’s such a big help with her brother and sister. She tends to be quiet around people, but one on one she is a chatterbox, and she has a fabulous sense of humor.
Little Man
Little Man is an energetic, hands-on 5 year old. He is happiest when he’s covered in dirt, operating something with a motor, or using tools. He’s like a miniature version of his dad, and he is definitely mechanically inclined like Dan.
Little Man loves to tear things apart, to try and figure out how they work. He likes to ride his bike, dirtbike, or the 4-wheeler.
He’s also got a sweet side. He brings me flowers and says “I love you, Mom” more than the other two. He loves his snuggles, and he tells his sisters they’re pretty. He has a sweet, shy grin that melts women’s hearts.
Baby Girl
Despite being 3, Baby Girl is still sure that she’s a baby. While she’s wildly independent in some areas, she still wants everyone to baby her when it suits her.
Baby Girl is the most outgoing of our kids. She will talk the ear off a complete stranger. If she doesn’t know how to answer a question, she just giggles. She has everyone wrapped around her finger in about 1 minute.
Absolutely adorable, and sweet as can be one minute, this spitfire can be crying or hollering the next minute. She is full of sugar and spice, for sure!
Baby Girl loves her baby dolls and her siblings. She loves that they spoil her and usually give her her way (much to my chagrin). She also loves to pretend to be a cat, or to get right in the middle of whatever her siblings are trying to do.
We are a homeschooling family, involved in Classical Conversations. We strongly believe that learning should be a whole-life activity, and that it should be fun. While homeschooling has its challenges, we absolutely love having our kids around all the time!
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