New feature: Homestead Happenings, so you can get a feel for what homesteading is like in real life.
I was talking to a friend the other day, and she encouraged me to share our homesteading journey more with you all.
I started out blogging almost 7 years ago, with 2 of my friends, on our blog Coffee With Us 3. As time went on, that blog morphed into a predominantly food blog, due to that being what our readers wanted. I enjoyed sharing crafts and homeschooling posts, but those just didn’t resonate well with our audience.
When we bought our acreage, I knew that I wanted to start another blog on my own that would cover homesteading, homeschooling, and home cooked meals. Homesteading is so much about becoming self-sufficient, and getting out there and grasping the opportunities (and the struggles) independently. So a blog on my own just seemed to be the natural extension of that, and when I was thinking of names As For Me and My Homestead just seemed perfect.
I’ve got drafts and drafts that I can’t seem to publish. I struggle to blog about homesteading, because I feel like we aren’t really experts– we’re learning as we go– so I fall back on what comes naturally to me, which is sharing recipes. After all, meals and snacks are a constant with 4 of us home 24/7, and a 5th home 50% of the time.
However, after my friend’s prodding, I’ve decided to put myself out there and try to finish those homesteading drafts, and get our struggles and accomplishments– our story– out there for you.
It probably won’t be in chronological order. That’s another thing I’ve struggled with. As a history lover, I want to start at the beginning of our story, so you can see how one experience led to the next, but that has caused me not to publish any of them.
So welcome to my attempt to become more homestead oriented.
There will still be recipes. I’m not planning to stop cooking and baking for my family (though I do sometimes consider it!), so I’ll always have plenty of fodder for recipe posts.
There will still be homeschooling. In fact, I have plans to expand the homeschooling aspect as well.
If, at any time, you want to see what our homesteading and homeschooling experiences are like in real time, my Instagram feed is probably the best place to get a feel for what the day in, day out life on our homestead looks like.
I will be tagging all of the homesteading posts that are about our personal experience with the tag Homestead Happenings. I may attempt to put old dates to things, so that if you go to the tag you’ll be able to look at our experiences in chronological order, if that’s your thing.
I hope you enjoy!
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