Getting close to retirement, and trying to decide what’s next? Find out why you should consider a homestead retirement. The average retirement age in the U.S. is roughly 63 on average. Whether your retirement is years off yet or just around the corner, homesteading can be an empowering and fulfilling way to spend it. Homestead […]
Creating an Educational Garden
Building an Educational Garden for Your Kids at Home In her book, Urban Homesteading, author Rachel Kaplan explains that the homesteading lifestyle is less about what you lose, and more about what you gain – in particular, time with loved ones and greater proximity to nature. Research has shown that many Americans spend almost 90% of their […]
Homestead Happenings: County Fair, Baptism, and a Puppy
This was Miss Magoo’s first year doing 4-H. She raised two market lambs, which she bought in April and sold at the county fair last week. Raising lambs was a whole new experience for our entire family. While we have raised beef cows, layer hens, and a turkey, show lambs were a whole different ball […]
Lose Weight With Evidence-Based Remedies & Tips
Do you know how to lose weight or what you need to do to achieve your weight loss goal? Check out these tips to lose weight safely. There is not any doubt that weight loss is a daunting challenge for many individuals. Because there are lots of weight loss programs, many people get confused and […]
Lavender Essential Oil: 5 Uses
Using Lavender Essential Oil Lavender is a wondrous plant with many uses. We know lavender was used as far back as ancient Egypt.
How to Glean Potatoes
Have you ever considered gleaning potatoes? Find out how to glean potatoes the right way! When I was a small child, I remember helping my mom glean potatoes. It seems like a true Idaho activity to do, so I decided to introduce my kids to the activity a couple of years ago. However, I’ve been […]
Spring KitchenAid Mixer Giveaway
How I learned to cook, along with a KitchenAid Mixer Giveaway! I started cooking when I was pretty young. Some of you may have memories of learning to cook by your mom’s side, as she explained the processes, but my experience was quite different from that. You see, when I was maybe 10 years old, […]
6 Ways to Support Your Blogging Friends
I get asked all the time about how people can best help me or another friend, as a blogger, so I thought that you might find it helpful to hear what I say to them.
2017 Most Popular Posts
The Top 10 Most Popular Posts on the blog! My first full year of blogging on As For Me and My Homestead has come to a close. It’s been a wonderful year, full of the busyness of raising and homeschooling 3 kids.
Facebook Statuses for Awareness
Should you be using your facebook status to raise awareness for a cause? So…. apparently it’s that time of year where fake Facebook statuses abound, all in the name of awareness. I’ll cut to the chase and say it bluntly: I don’t do that. I am of the old fashioned mindset that if you want […]